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Aquarium Water Testing and Treatment

Water Quality Basics

Water quality directly impacts the health of fish, affecting their ability to breathe, eliminate waste and fight disease. The most common water contaminants in aquariums include:

  • Chlorine/Chloramine: Tap water often contains chlorine or chloramine, which affects the function of fish gills. Neutralize them with proper water conditioners.
  • Heavy metals: Old plumbing and even tank decorations may leech heavy metals into your water. Metals like copper, lead or zinc can build up in fish and cause health problems like organ failure or reduced growth.
  • Organic waste: The combination of fish waste, plant material and old fish food contributes to the buildup of ammonia, nitrates and algae in your tank. 

pH and Ammonia Control

It's important to track the pH level and amount of ammonia in your tank. A stable pH level prevents stress and disease in fish and keeps the amount of nitrites and nitrates in check. A low ammonia level allows your fish to breathe more easily.

Take the following steps to reduce high pH or ammonia levels:

  1. Test your water quality regularly.
  2. Change the water in your tank weekly.
  3. Use a water filter.
  4. Install live plants in your tank to absorb ammonia.
  5. Don't overfeed your fish.

Algae and Disease Treatment

Algae growth and disease also affect fish health, but there are products you can use to mitigate them. Fish and algae compete for oxygen. Regular cleaning and the use of a sterilizer for tanks can help eliminate algae. You can use a fish disease reactor to sterilize your tank water and prevent common illnesses.

Choose a Quality Water Testing Kit

A freshwater test kit is a valuable tool for aquarium owners. When you're shopping for a kit, verify it tests your pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. It should also provide accurate and reliable readings.

Create a Healthy Aquatic Environment With AFA

At AFA, we offer high-quality water testing and treatment products, such as water softeners, test kits and algae inhibitors. Explore our range of water testing and treatment solutions today.